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Depending on the normalisation_type argument, the function will compute the RAU or nMFI values for each analyte in the plate. RAU is the default normalisation type.

The behaviour of the function, in the case of RAU normalisation type, can be summarised as follows:

  1. Adjust blanks if not already done.

  2. Fit a model to each analyte using standard curve samples.

  3. Compute RAU values for each analyte using the corresponding model.

  4. Aggregate computed RAU values into a single data frame.

  5. Save the computed RAU values to a CSV file.

More info about the RAU normalisation can be found in create_standard_curve_model_analyte function documentation create_standard_curve_model_analyte or in the Model reference Model.

In case the normalisation type is nMFI, the function will:

  1. Adjust blanks if not already done.

  2. Compute nMFI values for each analyte using the target dilution.

  3. Aggregate computed nMFI values into a single data frame.

  4. Save the computed nMFI values to a CSV file.

More info about the nMFI normalisation can be found in get_nmfi function documentation get_nmfi.


  filename = NULL,
  output_dir = "normalised_data",
  write_output = TRUE,
  normalisation_type = "RAU",
  data_type = "Median",
  include_raw_mfi = TRUE,
  adjust_blanks = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  reference_dilution = 1/400,



(Plate()) a plate object


(character(1)) The name of the output CSV file with normalised MFI values. If not provided or equals to NULL, the output filename will be based on the normalisation type and the plate name, precisely: {plate_name}_{normalisation_type}.csv. By default the plate_name is the filename of the input file that contains the plate data. For more details please refer to Plate.

If the passed filename does not contain .csv extension, the default extension .csv will be added. Filename can also be a path to a file, e.g. path/to/file.csv. In this case, the output_dir and filename will be joined together. However, if the passed filepath is an absolute path and the output_dir parameter is also provided, the output_dir parameter will be ignored. If a file already exists under a specified filepath, the function will overwrite it.


(character(1)) The directory where the output CSV file should be saved. Please note that any directory path provided will create all necessary directories (including parent directories) if they do not exist. If it equals to NULL the current working directory will be used. Default is 'normalised_data'.


(logical(1)) whether or not to write the output to a file specified by filename parameter. The default is TRUE.


(character(1)) type of normalisation to use. Available options are:
c(RAU, nMFI).


(character(1)) type of data to use for the computation. Median is the default


(logical(1)) include raw MFI values in the output. The default is TRUE. In case this option is TRUE, the output dataframe contains two columns for each analyte: one for the normalised values and one for the raw MFI values. The normalised columns are named as AnalyteName and AnalyteName_raw, respectively.


(logical(1)) adjust blanks before computing RAU values. The default is FALSE


(logical(1)) print additional information. The default is TRUE


(numeric(1)) target dilution to use as reference for the nMFI normalisation. Ignored in case of RAU normalisation. Default is 1/400. It should refer to a dilution of a standard curve sample in the given plate object. This parameter could be either a numeric value or a string. In case it is a character string, it should have the format 1/d+, where d+ is any positive integer.


Additional arguments to be passed to the fit model function (create_standard_curve_model_analyte)


a data frame with normalised values


plate_file <- system.file("extdata", "CovidOISExPONTENT_CO_reduced.csv", package = "SerolyzeR")
# a plate file with reduced number of analytes to speed up the computation
layout_file <- system.file("extdata", "CovidOISExPONTENT_CO_layout.xlsx", package = "SerolyzeR")

plate <- read_luminex_data(plate_file, layout_file, verbose = FALSE)

example_dir <- tempdir(check = TRUE) # a temporary directory
# create and save dataframe with computed dilutions
process_plate(plate, output_dir = example_dir)
#> Warning: The specified file /tmp/Rtmp6E3ZFf/CovidOISExPONTENT_CO_reduced_RAU.csv already exists. Overwriting it.
#> Fitting the models and predicting RAU for each analyte
#> Adding the raw MFI values to the output dataframe
#> Saving the computed RAU values to a CSV file located in: '/tmp/Rtmp6E3ZFf/CovidOISExPONTENT_CO_reduced_RAU.csv'
#>         Spike_6P_IPP      ME_NA Spike_6P_IPP_raw ME_NA_raw
#> K086-LM   3292.26101  2128.6098           4658.5     365.5
#> M254-VM     85.38753  5496.4318            209.5     814.0
#> M199-DS   2841.64505  7169.3408           4180.0     993.0
#> M164-LM    125.42694  3560.9584            287.5     572.0
#> M265-MM    396.34769  3783.9004            784.0     602.0
#> K026-DJ     85.13506  1430.5461            209.0     257.0
#> K137-DT   3142.28223  6567.6666           4503.0     931.5
#> M255-VA     38.78304  1103.7202            114.0     205.0
#> M258-PA     52.98592  2174.6786            144.0     372.5
#> M188-VC   1137.87727  1877.6962           1992.5     327.0
#> M270-BF     58.80200   875.6587            156.0     168.5
#> M050-EL    100.64396  2168.0885            239.5     371.5
#> M088-GE    145.30638  2892.0240            325.5     478.5
#> M259-PM   1082.02893  8614.0967           1908.0    1129.0
#> K101-PA     73.84503  1777.7663            186.5     311.5
#> M189-VY    511.61479  2562.3316            985.0     430.5
#> K018-FC    882.55266  2250.6828           1598.0     384.0
#> M142-RA     54.43368   966.1990            147.0     183.0
#> K100-CC     42.98563   984.9380            123.0     186.0
#> K107-RP     32.36841  1138.1493            100.0     210.5
#> M240-HS     31.46594  1028.6766             98.0     193.0
#> K019-FM     83.62164  1589.0900            206.0     282.0
#> M148-PS     61.97864  1216.4977            162.5     223.0
#> M089-HG   4677.61877  7712.7546           5944.0    1046.0
#> K136-DA  20000.00000 17238.7897          14414.0    1706.0
#> M241-HR   5532.92911  1279.2952           6626.0     233.0
#> K020-NA  12680.55047  9631.3814          10465.0    1216.0
#> M239-HJ     40.41069  2654.1971            117.5     444.0
#> M092-LS    164.84476  3102.6112            362.5     508.5
#> M162-PE   4972.48078  5738.5101           6187.5     841.5
#> M260-PM  20000.00000  2370.4746          14657.5     402.0
#> K021-FS     28.78211   635.1388             92.0     130.0
#> M253-VM     80.35078  1235.3249            199.5     226.0
#> M198-CN     60.26598  2056.5039            159.0     354.5
#> M163-PD   3780.09488  6970.3730           5140.5     973.0
#> M264-MA  20000.00000  2197.7678          19919.0     376.0
#> K024-DT    981.88707  2867.6895           1754.0     475.0

# process plate without adjusting blanks and save the output to a file with a custom name
  filename = "plate_without_blanks_adjusted.csv",
  output_dir = example_dir, adjust_blanks = FALSE
#> Fitting the models and predicting RAU for each analyte
#> Adding the raw MFI values to the output dataframe
#> Saving the computed RAU values to a CSV file located in: '/tmp/Rtmp6E3ZFf/plate_without_blanks_adjusted.csv'
#>         Spike_6P_IPP      ME_NA Spike_6P_IPP_raw ME_NA_raw
#> K086-LM   3292.26101  2128.6098           4658.5     365.5
#> M254-VM     85.38753  5496.4318            209.5     814.0
#> M199-DS   2841.64505  7169.3408           4180.0     993.0
#> M164-LM    125.42694  3560.9584            287.5     572.0
#> M265-MM    396.34769  3783.9004            784.0     602.0
#> K026-DJ     85.13506  1430.5461            209.0     257.0
#> K137-DT   3142.28223  6567.6666           4503.0     931.5
#> M255-VA     38.78304  1103.7202            114.0     205.0
#> M258-PA     52.98592  2174.6786            144.0     372.5
#> M188-VC   1137.87727  1877.6962           1992.5     327.0
#> M270-BF     58.80200   875.6587            156.0     168.5
#> M050-EL    100.64396  2168.0885            239.5     371.5
#> M088-GE    145.30638  2892.0240            325.5     478.5
#> M259-PM   1082.02893  8614.0967           1908.0    1129.0
#> K101-PA     73.84503  1777.7663            186.5     311.5
#> M189-VY    511.61479  2562.3316            985.0     430.5
#> K018-FC    882.55266  2250.6828           1598.0     384.0
#> M142-RA     54.43368   966.1990            147.0     183.0
#> K100-CC     42.98563   984.9380            123.0     186.0
#> K107-RP     32.36841  1138.1493            100.0     210.5
#> M240-HS     31.46594  1028.6766             98.0     193.0
#> K019-FM     83.62164  1589.0900            206.0     282.0
#> M148-PS     61.97864  1216.4977            162.5     223.0
#> M089-HG   4677.61877  7712.7546           5944.0    1046.0
#> K136-DA  20000.00000 17238.7897          14414.0    1706.0
#> M241-HR   5532.92911  1279.2952           6626.0     233.0
#> K020-NA  12680.55047  9631.3814          10465.0    1216.0
#> M239-HJ     40.41069  2654.1971            117.5     444.0
#> M092-LS    164.84476  3102.6112            362.5     508.5
#> M162-PE   4972.48078  5738.5101           6187.5     841.5
#> M260-PM  20000.00000  2370.4746          14657.5     402.0
#> K021-FS     28.78211   635.1388             92.0     130.0
#> M253-VM     80.35078  1235.3249            199.5     226.0
#> M198-CN     60.26598  2056.5039            159.0     354.5
#> M163-PD   3780.09488  6970.3730           5140.5     973.0
#> M264-MA  20000.00000  2197.7678          19919.0     376.0
#> K024-DT    981.88707  2867.6895           1754.0     475.0

# nMFI normalisation
  output_dir = example_dir,
  normalisation_type = "nMFI", reference_dilution = 1 / 400
#> Warning: The specified file /tmp/Rtmp6E3ZFf/CovidOISExPONTENT_CO_reduced_nMFI.csv already exists. Overwriting it.
#> Computing nMFI values for each analyte
#> Adding the raw MFI values to the output dataframe
#> Saving the computed nMFI values to a CSV file located in: '/tmp/Rtmp6E3ZFf/CovidOISExPONTENT_CO_reduced_nMFI.csv'
#>         Spike_6P_IPP     ME_NA Spike_6P_IPP_raw ME_NA_raw
#> K086-LM   1.32720798 0.9407979           4658.5     365.5
#> M254-VM   0.05968661 2.0952381            209.5     814.0
#> M199-DS   1.19088319 2.5559846           4180.0     993.0
#> M164-LM   0.08190883 1.4723295            287.5     572.0
#> M265-MM   0.22336182 1.5495495            784.0     602.0
#> K026-DJ   0.05954416 0.6615187            209.0     257.0
#> K137-DT   1.28290598 2.3976834           4503.0     931.5
#> M255-VA   0.03247863 0.5276705            114.0     205.0
#> M258-PA   0.04102564 0.9588160            144.0     372.5
#> M188-VC   0.56766382 0.8416988           1992.5     327.0
#> M270-BF   0.04444444 0.4337194            156.0     168.5
#> M050-EL   0.06823362 0.9562420            239.5     371.5
#> M088-GE   0.09273504 1.2316602            325.5     478.5
#> M259-PM   0.54358974 2.9060489           1908.0    1129.0
#> K101-PA   0.05313390 0.8018018            186.5     311.5
#> M189-VY   0.28062678 1.1081081            985.0     430.5
#> K018-FC   0.45527066 0.9884170           1598.0     384.0
#> M142-RA   0.04188034 0.4710425            147.0     183.0
#> K100-CC   0.03504274 0.4787645            123.0     186.0
#> K107-RP   0.02849003 0.5418275            100.0     210.5
#> M240-HS   0.02792023 0.4967825             98.0     193.0
#> K019-FM   0.05868946 0.7258687            206.0     282.0
#> M148-PS   0.04629630 0.5740026            162.5     223.0
#> M089-HG   1.69344729 2.6924067           5944.0    1046.0
#> K136-DA   4.10655271 4.3912484          14414.0    1706.0
#> M241-HR   1.88774929 0.5997426           6626.0     233.0
#> K020-NA   2.98148148 3.1299871          10465.0    1216.0
#> M239-HJ   0.03347578 1.1428571            117.5     444.0
#> M092-LS   0.10327635 1.3088803            362.5     508.5
#> M162-PE   1.76282051 2.1660232           6187.5     841.5
#> M260-PM   4.17592593 1.0347490          14657.5     402.0
#> K021-FS   0.02621083 0.3346203             92.0     130.0
#> M253-VM   0.05683761 0.5817246            199.5     226.0
#> M198-CN   0.04529915 0.9124839            159.0     354.5
#> M163-PD   1.46452991 2.5045045           5140.5     973.0
#> M264-MA   5.67492877 0.9678250          19919.0     376.0
#> K024-DT   0.49971510 1.2226512           1754.0     475.0