The behavior can be summarized as follows:

  1. Adjust blanks if not already done.

  2. Fit a model to each analyte using standard curve samples.

  3. Compute dilutions for each analyte using the corresponding model.

  4. Aggregate computed dilutions into a single data frame.

  5. Save the computed dilutions to a CSV file.

  output_path = NULL,
  data_type = "Median",
  adjust_blanks = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,



(Plate()) a plate object


(character(1)) path to save the computed dilutions. If not provided the file will be saved in the working directory with the name dilutions_{plate_name}.csv. Where the {plate_name} is the name of the plate.


(character(1)) type of data to use for the computation. Median is the default


(logical(1)) adjust blanks before computing dilutions. Default is FALSE


(logical(1)) print additional information. Default is TRUE


Additional arguments to be passed to the fit model function (create_standard_curve_model_analyte)


plate_file <- system.file("extdata", "CovidOISExPONTENT.csv", package = "PvSTATEM")
layout_file <- system.file("extdata", "CovidOISExPONTENT_layout.csv", package = "PvSTATEM")

plate <- read_luminex_data(plate_file, layout_file)
#> Reading Luminex data from: /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/PvSTATEM/extdata/CovidOISExPONTENT.csv
#> using format xPONENT
#> New plate object has been created with name: CovidOISExPONTENT!
process_plate(plate) # create and save dataframe with computed dilutions
#> Fitting the models and computing the dilutions for each analyte
#> Warning: One (or more) of the values were greater or equal to the estimated top asymptote.
#> These values have been replaced by the maximal possible value the model can estimate.
#> Warning: One (or more) of the values were greater or equal to the estimated top asymptote.
#> These values have been replaced by the maximal possible value the model can estimate.
#> Warning: One (or more) of the values were greater or equal to the estimated top asymptote.
#> These values have been replaced by the maximal possible value the model can estimate.
#> Warning: One (or more) of the values were greater or equal to the estimated top asymptote.
#> These values have been replaced by the maximal possible value the model can estimate.
#> Warning: One (or more) of the values were greater or equal to the estimated top asymptote.
#> These values have been replaced by the maximal possible value the model can estimate.
#> Warning: One (or more) of the values were greater or equal to the estimated top asymptote.
#> These values have been replaced by the maximal possible value the model can estimate.
#> Saving the computed dilutions to a CSV file located in: 'dilutions_CovidOISExPONTENT.csv'