function for now uses the nplr package to fit the model. The model is fitted using the formula:

$$y = B + \fracT - B(1 + 10^b*(x_mid - x))^s$$, where:

  • $y$ is the predicted value, MFI in our case,

  • $x$ is the independent variable, dilution in our case,

  • $B$ is the bottom plateau - the right horizontal asymptote,

  • $T$ is the top plateau - the left horizontal asymptote,

  • $b$ is the slope of the curve at the inflection point,

  • $x_mid$ is x-coordinate at the inflection point,

  • $s$ is the assymetric coefficient. This equation is refered as the Richards' equation. More information about the model can be found in the nplr package documentation. By default, nplr model transforms the x values using the log10 function.

  data_type = "Median",
  npars = 5,
  verbose = TRUE



Plate object


Name of the antibody for which we want to create the model


Data type of the value we want to use to fit the model - the same datatype as in the plate file. By default equals to Median


Number of parameters to fit the model, by default 5 - the maximum value. npars also accepts a number of parameters to fit the model - an integer between 2 and 5, accepts also value "all", which chooses best models from those with different number of parameters.


If TRUE prints messages, TRUE by default


nplr object with the model